Every time we walk into our closets to determine “What am I going to wear?” our brains make a series of decisions based on the weather, the event, what fits, and what we want to wear at the moment. Let’s make that process as easy as possible! One way is to have an organized closet. Another is to make sure everything in the closet is a good fit for us, our shape, and our lifestyle.

Natalie Weakly Image Consultant Houston Signature Style Five Closet Clean Out Tips

In the spirit of nearly-there spring cleaning, here are some things to clean out of your closet in the interest of speeding up your morning routine.

Anything That Doesn’t Fit

I won’t go into the full psychology of this important step but suffice it to say that it’s incredibly defeating and frustrating to be reminded each time you go to get dressed that you don’t fit into xyz, even if it’s because you’ve lost a bunch of weight (congratulations!). If you are in the in-between and aren’t ready to get rid of pieces that don’t fit, move them to their own section or to another closet so they are out of your everyday decision-making process.

Closet Tip: If most of your closet doesn’t fit you right now, put all the pieces that do fit in one place so you know where to find something that fits quickly.


Do you have two casual green skirts? Three blousy black shirts? You don’t need them all! You automatically gravitate to your favorite. Move the other option out. One less decision when you walk into your closet!

Closet Tip: An organized closet makes duplicates much easier to find! A good rule of thumb – organize by item type (short-sleeve shirts, pants, etc), then by color.

Natalie Weakly Image Consultant Houston Signature Style Five Closet Clean Out Tips

Pieces You Don’t Like

Quick show of hands. Who has at least once thing in their closet that is in great shape and may have been a big purchase, but you just don’t love or wear it? I’m willing to bet nearly all of us raised our hands (figuratively of course though it would be amazing if you raised your hand while reading this as work). Take a second look to see if you can make it work but if attempts to repurpose and restyle don’t work and it doesn’t look and feel good – move it out!

Bonus Tip: The sooner you make the cut, the more likely you are to get something for it if you opt to sell it as it is more likely to be still in season, on trend, etc.

Clothes for Another Life

Perhaps you worked in corporate America and are now a stay-at-home mom or your past style could only be described as incredibly casual and now you’ve stepped up your game. The clothes need to follow the lifestyle you’ve left behind and hit the road!

I’m not recommending getting rid of everything from your past style life but I do recommend taking the time to review what you’re not wearing as often anymore. For instance, pare your full suiting wardrobe down to your two or three best suits. Not only will it help you look your best every time you go to put on a suit but allows room if you need to buy an updated option later.

Damaged Goods

Sometimes these can be the hardest ones. A gorgeous silk shirt that has an oil stain front and center. A great pair of pants that somehow managed to get a grease stain on them… Do what you can to remove the stain but if it doesn’t work, let it go!

Tell me, what pieces are you hanging on to in your closet? Join the conversation on Instagram or Facebook!